A salesman earns 20% commission on all the merchandise that he sells. Last month he sold $800 worth of merchandise. How much commission (in dollars) did he earn last month?

To calculate the commission earned by the salesman, you need to multiply the sales amount by the commission rate.

Commission = Sales Amount * Commission Rate

The commission rate is 20% or 0.20 in decimal form.

Commission = $800 * 0.20
Commission = $160

Therefore, the salesman earned $160 in commission last month.

To find out how much commission the salesman earned last month, we need to calculate 20% of the total merchandise sold.

Step 1: Calculate 20% of $800.
To calculate 20% of a number, you can multiply the number by 20% (or 0.2).

So, 20% of $800 can be calculated as:
0.2 * $800 = $160

Therefore, the salesman earned $160 in commission last month.

.20 * 800 = ?