A visually pleasant picture related to furniture sales. It shows a salesperson in a furniture store. She is a Black woman in her forties, smiling as she shows off a polished wooden table and chair set to potential buyers. On the table, there are price tags showing the costs of the items in Kenyan Shillings. Near the table, a small percentage sign indicates the salesman's commission. Around her, other furniture items are tidily arranged. The setting is busy with customers, emphasizing a successful sales week. Make sure the image contains no text.

A table is sold At ksh 4500 and a chair at ksh 2000.a salesman earns a commission of 8% on every table and 5% on every chair sold.on certain week he sold more 3 chairs than tables and his total earning were ksh 3980.determine the number of chairs he sold that week

Don't know

Let's assume the number of tables sold is T and the number of chairs sold is C.

The price of a table = Ksh 4500
The price of a chair = Ksh 2000
The salesman earns a commission of 8% on every table sold and 5% on every chair sold.
The total earning for the week was Ksh 3980.
The number of chairs sold was 3 more than the number of tables sold.

From the given information, we can set up the following equations:

1. Earning from tables = Commission on tables * Number of tables
Earning from tables = 4500 * 0.08 * T = 360T

2. Earning from chairs = Commission on chairs * Number of chairs
Earning from chairs = 2000 * 0.05 * C = 100C

3. Total earnings = Earning from tables + Earning from chairs
3980 = 360T + 100C

4. Number of chairs sold = Number of tables sold + 3
C = T + 3

Now, let's substitute equation 4 into equation 3:
3980 = 360T + 100(T + 3)
3980 = 360T + 100T + 300
3980 = 460T + 300
460T = 3980 - 300
460T = 3680
T = 3680/460
T = 8

Using equation 4, we can calculate the number of chairs sold:
C = T + 3
C = 8 + 3
C = 11

Therefore, the salesman sold 11 chairs that week.

if he sold x chairs, then

.05*2000x + .08*4500(x-3) = 3980
Now just solve for x

To determine the number of chairs the salesman sold in that week, we can set up a system of equations based on the given information.

Let's assume the number of tables sold is T and the number of chairs sold is C.

From the given information, we know that:
The cost of one table is ksh 4500.
The cost of one chair is ksh 2000.
The salesman earns an 8% commission on every table sold and a 5% commission on every chair sold.
The total earning of the salesman in that week was ksh 3980.

We can set up the following equations:

Equation 1: T + 3 = C
Since the salesman sold 3 more chairs than tables.

Equation 2: (8% of 4500) * T + (5% of 2000) * C = 3980
This equation represents the total earning of the salesman.

Now, let's solve this system of equations to find the value of C:

Substitute the value of T from Equation 1 into Equation 2:
(8% of 4500) * (C - 3) + (5% of 2000) * C = 3980
(0.08 * 4500) * (C - 3) + (0.05 * 2000) * C = 3980
360 * (C - 3) + 100 * C = 3980
360C - 1080 + 100C = 3980
460C = 3980 + 1080
460C = 5060
C = 5060 / 460
C ≈ 11

Therefore, the salesman sold approximately 11 chairs in that week.