Brian earns a weekly salary of $880 plus a 10% commission rate of his weekly sales. Last week he earned $1,134.80.

How can Brian can determine his sales last week?

0.1s + 880 = 1134

solve for s, if s atands for sales

Well, it seems Brian found a way to make some extra dough-re-mi with that 10% commission rate! To figure out his sales, we can start by subtracting his weekly salary of $880 from the total earnings of $1,134.80.

And the answer is... drumroll, please... $254.80! So, Brian's sales last week were $254.80. Looks like he knows how to close the deal!

To determine Brian's sales last week, we can use the following formula:

Total Earnings = Weekly Salary + Commission

Given that Brian's weekly salary is $880 and his total earnings last week were $1,134.80, we can substitute the values into the formula and solve for the commission:

$1,134.80 = $880 + Commission

Next, we subtract the weekly salary from the total earnings:

Commission = $1,134.80 - $880

Commission = $254.80

Therefore, Brian's sales last week can be determined by taking the commission earned and dividing it by the commission rate:

Sales = Commission / Commission Rate

Given that Brian's commission rate is 10%, we can substitute the values into the formula and solve for the sales:

Sales = $254.80 / 0.10

Sales = $2,548

Therefore, Brian's sales last week were $2,548.

To determine Brian's sales last week, we need to reverse the calculation by subtracting his base salary from his total earnings and dividing the result by his commission rate.

Let's break down the steps:

1. Find the commission amount: Multiply Brian's sales by his commission rate. Since Brian's commission rate is 10%, we can convert it to a decimal by dividing it by 100 (10/100 = 0.1). So, the commission amount can be calculated as commission = total earnings - base salary.

commission = $1,134.80 - $880

2. Divide the commission amount by the commission rate: Since the commission amount is equal to the sales multiplied by the commission rate, we can rearrange the equation to find the sales.

commission = sales × commission rate

sales = commission / commission rate

sales = ($1,134.80 - $880) / 0.1

Now we can calculate the sales:

sales = $254.80 / 0.1

sales = $2,548

Therefore, Brian's sales last week were $2,548.