1) Explain what this program do?

Program 1:
MOV AL, data1
MOV BL, data2
JS negative
JMP stop
negative: PUTC 'L'
stop: int 3

This program takes in two values (data1 and data2) and compares them. If data1 is less than data2, the program outputs a 'L' on the screen. Otherwise, it outputs a 'M'. Finally, the program terminates.

This program performs the following steps:

1) It moves the value of the variable "data1" into the AL register.
2) It moves the value of the variable "data2" into the BL register.
3) It compares the values in the AL and BL registers.
4) If the value in the AL register is less than the value in the BL register, it jumps to the "negative" label.
5) If the value in the AL register is not less than the value in the BL register, it proceeds to the next step.
6) It outputs the character 'M' to the screen using the PUTC instruction.
7) It jumps to the "stop" label.
8) It executes an interrupt (int 3) to stop the program.

If the value of "data1" is less than the value of "data2", the program will output the character 'L' instead of 'M' at step 6.