Suppose you want to change an existing program to have more of a modular architecture. The program contains a basic calculator program. Which of the following would be an appropriate attribute for the calculator class?(1 point) Responses subtraction subtraction addition addition number 1 number 1 calculate


The appropriate attribute for the calculator class would be "calculate".

To determine which attribute would be appropriate for the calculator class, we need to understand the purpose of the attribute and its relation to the functionality of a calculator.

In the given options, "subtraction," "addition," "number 1," and "calculate" are not appropriate attributes for the calculator class, as they seem to represent individual operations or values rather than characteristics of a calculator.

A more appropriate attribute for the calculator class, when aiming for a modular architecture, could be "modularity" itself. By implementing modularity, we can break down the calculator program into smaller, self-contained modules that handle specific operations such as addition, subtraction, etc. This promotes code reusability and easier maintainability.

Therefore, "modularity" is the appropriate attribute for the calculator class in this context.