The table displays the scores of students on a recent exam. Find the mean of the scores to the nearest 10th.

Score Number of Students
70 6
75 3
80 9
85 5
90 7
95 8

To find the mean, you need to first multiply each score by its corresponding number of students to get the total score for each score category. Then, you add up all the total scores and divide by the total number of students.

(70 x 6) + (75 x 3) + (80 x 9) + (85 x 5) + (90 x 7) + (95 x 8)

= 420 + 225 + 720 + 425 + 630 + 760

= 3180

Total number of students = 6 + 3 + 9 + 5 + 7 + 8 = 38

Mean score = 3180/38 ≈ 83.7

Rounded to the nearest tenth, the mean score is 83.7.

The table displays the scores of students on a recent exam. Find the mean of the scores to the nearest 10th.

Score Number of Students
65 5
70 4
75 3
80 5
85 3
90 8
95 6
100 6

To find the mean, you need to first multiply each score by its corresponding number of students to get the total score for each score category. Then, you add up all the total scores and divide by the total number of students.

(65 x 5) + (70 x 4) + (75 x 3) + (80 x 5) + (85 x 3) + (90 x 8) + (95 x 6) + (100 x 6)

= 325 + 280 + 225 + 400 + 255 + 720 + 570 + 600

= 3375

Total number of students = 5 + 4 + 3 + 5 + 3 + 8 + 6 + 6 = 40

Mean score = 3375/40 ≈ 84.4

Rounded to the nearest tenth, the mean score is 84.4.

To find the mean of the scores, you will need to calculate the sum of all the scores and then divide it by the total number of students.

1. Multiply each score by the corresponding number of students:
- 70 * 6 = 420
- 75 * 3 = 225
- 80 * 9 = 720
- 85 * 5 = 425
- 90 * 7 = 630
- 95 * 8 = 760

2. Add up all the products:
420 + 225 + 720 + 425 + 630 + 760 = 3180

3. Add up all the number of students:
6 + 3 + 9 + 5 + 7 + 8 = 38

4. Divide the sum of the scores by the total number of students:
3180 / 38 = 83.68 (rounded to the nearest 10th)

Therefore, the mean of the scores to the nearest 10th is 83.7.