Using complete sentences, explain what occurs when jobs are outsourced. Discuss two benefits and two drawbacks a country may experience when companies outsource their work.

When jobs are outsourced, companies move their operations to another country to take advantage of cheaper labor costs and lower production costs, among other reasons. This process can have both benefits and drawbacks for the country involved in outsourcing.

One benefit is that outsourcing can create job opportunities in the country to which the work is being outsourced. For example, if a company outsources its manufacturing operations to China, it may hire a large number of workers in China to produce its products. This can provide more employment opportunities for workers in China and contribute to the growth of its economy.

Another benefit of outsourcing is that it can lower prices for the end consumers. By cutting production costs, companies can offer their products at lower prices, which can benefit consumers who may not have been able to afford the product previously.

However, there are also drawbacks to outsourcing. One drawback is that it can lead to job losses in the country from which the work is being outsourced. If a company moves its manufacturing operations to another country, it may lay off its workers in the home country, resulting in unemployment and a loss of income for those workers.

Another drawback of outsourcing is that it can result in a loss of skills and knowledge. If a company outsources its operations abroad, it may not be able to take advantage of the expertise and knowledge of its workers in the home country. This can ultimately undermine the competitiveness of the home country's economy.

In summary, while outsourcing can bring benefits such as job creation and lower prices for consumers, it can also have drawbacks such as job losses and a loss of skills and knowledge. As such, countries must weigh the pros and cons of outsourcing to determine whether it is a viable option for their economy.