Compared to conventional farming, which of the following are benefits of an aquaponics system and which are drawbacks? Drag each item to the correct category.(2 points)


- Reduced water usage
- Highly productive
- No pesticides or herbicides needed
- No soil erosion
- Can be operated in urban areas

- Initial start-up costs
- Requires electricity
- Water quality must be carefully monitored
- Limited variety of crops that can be grown


- Efficient use of water and nutrients
- Year-round production
- Reduction in environmental impact (no pesticides or chemical fertilizers)
- Diversification of income streams (both fish and plants can be sold)
- Integration of fish farming and plant cultivation (symbiotic relationship)

- Initial investment and set-up costs can be high
- Technical knowledge and expertise required for successful operation
- Reliance on electricity and equipment for system functioning
- Limited selection of fish and plants that can be grown successfully in the system
- Potential for system failures (e.g., water quality issues, disease outbreak)