1. Which of the following supports the idea that aquaponics systems help reduce water pollution?

A. Fish waste reduces the need to use chemical fertilizers.
B. An irrigation system needs to be installed to water the fields.
C. Aquaponics wastewater is filtered through water treatment facilities.
D. It allows farmers to produce more food in less space.

A. Fish waste reduces the need to use chemical fertilizers.

1. Which of the following supports the idea that aquaponics systems help reduce water pollution?

A. Fish waste reduces the need to use chemical fertilizers.
B. An irrigation system needs to be installed to water the fields.
C. Aquaponics wastewater is filtered through water treatment facilities.
D. It allows farmers to produce more food in less space.

Drag the words to the correct locations to match the three main components of an aquaponics system with their functions.

Fish tank - Functions as a biofilter and provides nutrients

Grow bed - Serves as a place for plants to grow and absorb nutrients
Water pump - Circulates water between the fish tank and grow bed

Drag each phrase to indicate whether it supports an argument for or against the installation of an aquaponics farm

The correct answer is A. Fish waste reduces the need to use chemical fertilizers.

To determine the correct answer, we must evaluate each option and see which one supports the idea that aquaponics systems help reduce water pollution.

Option A states that fish waste reduces the need to use chemical fertilizers. Aquaponics systems are designed to utilize the waste produced by fish to provide nutrients to the plants. As a result, there is a reduced reliance on chemical fertilizers, which can contribute to water pollution. This option directly supports the idea that aquaponics systems can help reduce water pollution.

Option B mentions the need to install an irrigation system to water the fields. While this may be necessary for the proper functioning of the aquaponics system, it does not directly relate to reducing water pollution.

Option C suggests that aquaponics wastewater is filtered through water treatment facilities. Although it is beneficial to filter wastewater through treatment facilities, this option doesn't specifically address the idea that aquaponics systems help reduce water pollution.

Option D indicates that aquaponics allows farmers to produce more food in less space. While this demonstrates the efficiency of aquaponics systems, it doesn't directly support the idea of reducing water pollution.

By evaluating each option, we can determine that option A is the correct answer as it directly supports the idea that aquaponics systems help reduce water pollution.

Supports an argument for:

- Aquaponics systems reduce the need for chemical fertilizers
- Aquaponics systems allow for year-round food production
- Aquaponics systems can reduce water usage compared to traditional agriculture
- Aquaponics systems have a smaller environmental footprint than traditional agriculture

Supports an argument against:
- Aquaponics systems can be expensive to set up and maintain
- Aquaponics systems require a certain level of knowledge and expertise to operate
- Aquaponics systems may not be as productive as traditional agriculture in terms of yield per acre
- Aquaponics systems can be energy-intensive due to the need for water pumps and heating/cooling systems