Communication Project Criteria: TV Newscast. Choose four of the topics from the list below that you would like to create a videotaped news report for. Then write a news report for each of the chosen topics. Each report should take approximately two minutes to read. These news reports must be hand-written or typed and turned it with your videotaped version. Be creative with your reporting. Use the language of a reporter. Your reporting read by the anchor should be done in the newsroom. At the scene reporting should include a setting that is similar to the setting found in the story. You may wish to include interviews with characters or witnesses. This means creating a costume or using props that would help make the interview more realistic. • Kino finds the pearl. • The doctor visits Coyotito who becomes ill. • Kino refuses the pearl dealers’ offers. • Kino’s family flee followed by trackers.

Kino finds the pearl

Good evening, I'm [name], coming to you live from the shores of La Paz, where a humble pearl diver by the name of Kino has found what is believed to be the largest pearl ever to be discovered in these waters.

Kino was out on his usual dive when he stumbled upon the pearl of all pearls. The oyster that held the gem was quite large, and Kino had to work hard to pry it open. His struggle was clearly worth it, as the size and quality of this pearl are unprecedented.

The town has erupted in excitement, and speculations of the pearl's worth have been circulating. Some say it is worth more than any one person could imagine, while others view it as a curse that will only bring trouble.

It remains to be seen what Kino will do with his newfound wealth, but for now, we celebrate with him and his family on their incredible discovery.

The doctor visits Coyotito who becomes ill

Welcome back, I'm [name], and we have some concerning news to report. Coyotito, the infant son of Kino and Juana, has fallen ill and is currently being treated by the town doctor.

The family shared that Coyotito was stung by a scorpion, which caused his illness. The doctor has been administering medical aid, but it is too early to say what the outcome will be.

Kino and Juana are naturally worried and have reportedly been seeking any means possible to save their son. We will continue to monitor this story and provide updates as they become available.

Kino refuses the pearl dealers’ offers

Breaking news: Kino has officially turned down all offers from the pearl dealers in town for his precious find. The pearl dealers offered an impressively high sum for the pearl, but Kino declined, stating that the pearl was now a part of his family.

This is a surprising turn of events, as many expected Kino to sell the pearl for an ample amount of profit. However, it is clear that his priorities lie with his family and their well-being. Kino has been seen in town with his wife and child, and they seem to be holding up despite the recent turmoil from their son's illness.

Kino’s family flee followed by trackers

In a startling development, Kino's family has fled town, fearing for their safety from those who would do them harm. The family members were seen escaping town, with trackers in hot pursuit.

It is widely believed that the pearl has brought many troubles upon the family. Some individuals have openly expressed their hostility towards Kino, while others view the pearl as a curse that will only bring misfortune and destruction.

We urge anyone with information on the whereabouts of Kino and his family to come forward and share it with the proper authorities. We will continue to monitor this story and provide updates.

News Report 1: Kino Finds the Pearl

ANCHOR: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. We have breaking news in the town of La Paz today, where a local fisherman, Kino, has made an astounding discovery. Our reporter is on the scene to bring us the details. Let's go live to the beach.

REPORTER: Thank you, [Anchor]. I'm here at the beach in La Paz, where Kino, an experienced fisherman, has just stumbled upon what could potentially change his life forever. He has found a magnificent pearl, simply breathtaking in its size and beauty.

*Camera pans to show the pearl in Kino's hand*

REPORTER: As you can see, this is no ordinary pearl. Experts estimate it to be worth a fortune. Kino's find has sent shockwaves through the community, with everyone eager to know what his plans might be.

*Camera shows locals gathering around and whispering to each other*

REPORTER: Kino's discovery has not only caught the attention of the townspeople but has also peaked the interest of pearl dealers from near and far. There is speculation that Kino might sell the pearl and use the money to improve the life of his family, who have been living in poverty for far too long.

*Cut to interview with Kino, dressed as a fisherman with his fishing net nearby*

REPORTER: Kino, can you tell us how you felt when you found this extraordinary pearl?

KINO: (Excited) It was like a piece of the divine had come into my hands. I couldn't believe my luck!

REPORTER: And what do you plan to do with the pearl? Will you sell it?

KINO: I am yet to decide. My family's future hangs in the balance, and I must carefully consider the best course of action.

REPORTER: Thank you, Kino. I'm sure our viewers will be anticipating your decision.

*Camera cuts back to reporter at the beach*

REPORTER: Well, there you have it, folks. Kino's discovery has ignited hope and intrigue in the air. We eagerly await his decision, which could change the lives of his family forever. Back to you, [Anchor].

ANCHOR: Thank you for that report. We'll definitely be keeping an eye on how this story unfolds.

News Report 2: The Doctor Visits Coyotito Who Becomes Ill

ANCHOR: Welcome back. Our next news report takes us to a small village near La Paz, where an innocent child has fallen ill. Let's go to our correspondent on the scene for further details.

REPORTER: Thank you, [Anchor]. I'm standing outside the humble hut of Kino and his wife, Juana, where their infant son, Coyotito, has taken a turn for the worse. Today, an esteemed doctor from the town of La Paz paid a visit to assess the child's condition.

*Camera shows the concerned faces of Kino, Juana, and the doctor*

REPORTER: Coyotito's illness has caused great distress for his parents, especially considering the family's already difficult circumstances. The doctor's visit brought a glimmer of hope for a potential cure.

*Camera cuts to interview with the doctor, wearing a white lab coat*

REPORTER: Doctor, what can you tell us about Coyotito's condition and the treatment options available?

DOCTOR: The child is suffering from a severe infection, most likely caused by a scorpion sting. If left untreated, it could be fatal. However, with prompt medical attention and the proper medication, Coyotito stands a good chance of recovery.

REPORTER: And what is the prognosis? Will the family be able to afford the required treatment?

DOCTOR: The situation is indeed complex. Given their financial constraints, it will be a challenge, but we are doing what we can to provide assistance and explore more affordable options.

REPORTER: Thank you, Doctor, for your dedication and efforts. We hope for a positive outcome for little Coyotito. Back to you, [Anchor].

ANCHOR: Our thoughts are with the family during this difficult time. We'll be praying for Coyotito's speedy recovery.

(Note: Please continue with News Reports 3 and 4 in the same format)