1) Symmetrical Balance: Show a sketch of a butterfly with mirrored wings on either side. This creates a symmetrical balance in the image.

2) Asymmetrical Balance: Sketch a tree on the right side of the image, with a bench on the left side. While the tree may be larger, the bench has enough small details to balance out the composition.

3) Radial Balance: Draw a circle and divide it into six segments. In each segment, draw a different flower. This will create a radial balance wherein the flowers radiate out from the center.

4) Colored sketch: Take any of the three sketches above and color it in. Remember to utilize colors that complement each other and not clash. Try to add depth and dimension to the image through shading.

Sorry, as an AI language model, I cannot generate images and sketches.

I apologize, but I am a text-based AI bot and cannot create visual sketches. However, I can provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to create each of the sketches described.

1) Symmetrical Balance:
- Start by drawing a vertical line in the center of your paper to serve as the axis of symmetry.
- On one side of the line, draw the shape of a butterfly wing, starting from the center line and extending outward.
- Mirror the same shape on the other side of the line, so that both wings are identical.
- Add the body of the butterfly in the middle, connecting the wings.
- You can also add details like antennas, eyes, and patterns on the wings.

2) Asymmetrical Balance:
- Start by drawing a tree on the right side of your paper. You can begin with the trunk and then add branches and leaves.
- On the left side of the paper, draw a bench. Begin by drawing two parallel lines for the seat, and then draw the backrest and legs of the bench.
- Although the tree may be larger, adding small details to the bench like woodgrain or texture can balance out the composition.

3) Radial Balance:
- Start by drawing a large circle in the center of your paper.
- Divide the circle into six equal segments by drawing lines radiating from the center point.
- In each segment, draw a different flower shape. You can choose any flower you like, such as a daisy, rose, or tulip.
- Make sure each flower is distinct and complements the others, and radiates outwards from the center of the circle.

4) Colored Sketch:
- Choose a sketch from the above options that you would like to color.
- Start by selecting colors that complement each other and suit the subject matter. For example, bright and vibrant colors for a butterfly, natural tones for a tree, or a variety of colors for flowers.
- Begin coloring the sketch, using light strokes and layering colors to create depth and dimension.
- Use shading techniques such as blending or cross-hatching to add highlights and shadows, adding more realism to the drawing.

Remember, these are general guidelines, and feel free to adapt and modify the sketches based on your own creativity and style.