
A)having to do with the front side (or bottom)
B)having a repeating pattern which stretches outward from the center
C)sameness, balance, or harmony as a result of a repeated pattern
D)an animal having a backbone
E)the rear; toward the rear

B) having a repeating pattern which stretches outward from the center.


A)the front side; toward the front
C)the rear; toward the rear
D)the back side; toward the back (or top)
E)the ability to move from place to place

E) the ability to move from place to place.

The correct definition of "radial" is B) having a repeating pattern which stretches outward from the center.

To understand this definition, it helps to break down the word and look at its root meaning. "Radial" comes from the Latin word "radius," which means "ray, spoke, or rod." In mathematics, a radius is the straight line segment that connects the center of a circle to any point on its circumference.

So, when we say something is "radial," it means it has a pattern that radiates or stretches outward from a central point, much like the rays of a sun or the spokes of a wheel. The pattern can be seen in various contexts, such as in radial symmetry in biology or radial lines in art.

To find the definition, you can use various resources like dictionaries, online sources, or language applications. One popular option is to search for the word on a search engine, followed by the term "definition." This would give you a list of results from different sources, such as dictionaries or vocabulary websites. You can then compare these definitions to ensure accuracy.