9) Dellen needs to complete a project using sunsets in Language Arts. The teacher requires Dellen to use figurative language and sensory details. Which of the below projects would be best for Dellen to use to complete her work.


An argumentative paper on where to find the best sunsets.
The science behind the sunset.
A story about two people watching the sunset.
A video of a sunset while Dellen reads a poem in the background.

A poem would be the best project for Dellen to use to complete her work, as it allows for the use of figurative language and sensory details in a creative and expressive way.

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Why are North America and South America considered to have the most diverse societies in the world today? Give a short answer in 7th grade style :)

North and South America are considered to have the most diverse societies, because many different cultures and peoples from all over the world have come together and blended to form a unique population with varied backgrounds and customs.

Why did the Puritans come to North America? short answer in 7th grade style

The Puritans came to North America from England to escape religious persecution and practice their own form of Christianity in peace.

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The Puritans were a group of English Protestants who were not satisfied with the Church of England's reforms and wanted to simplify and "purify" their religious practices. However, they faced opposition and persecution in England, which led them to seek refuge and freedom in North America. The Puritans saw the New World as a fresh start and an opportunity to form their own communities based on their religious beliefs and principles. They hoped to create a society that reflected their idea of a Godly and moral way of life, and as such, they established many colonies in North America.

Explain why the capitalist system developed in Europe. short answer in 7th grade style