how does literacy rate affect the standard of living in Latin America

A I literacy rates lead to Lowe's standard of living.
B literacy rate does not affect the standard of living.
C a literacy rate helps people to become bilingual.
D low literacy rates give me lead to a high standard of living.
E an increase in literacy rates get me to a higher standard of living.

E an increase in literacy rates leads to a higher standard of living. Higher literacy rates help individuals acquire better jobs, access higher education and health care, and be more informed citizens. This can ultimately lead to economic growth and a better quality of life for individuals and society.

E) An increase in literacy rates can lead to a higher standard of living in Latin America.

By being literate, individuals have better access to education, job opportunities, and socioeconomic resources. They can acquire higher-paying jobs, which can improve their income and overall living conditions. Literacy also promotes critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills, leading to more informed choices in areas such as health, finance, and civic engagement. Additionally, literacy allows individuals to access and understand information, including technological advancements, that may further enhance their quality of life.