Middle East Literacy Rates

Country Literacy Rate Avg. Income
(in US $)
Afghanistan 32% $ 621
Iran 84% $ 4,842
Iraq 79% $ 3,918
Israel 98% $ 27,595
Saudi Arabia 94% $ 16,967
Turkey 95% $ 9,958

Which statement BEST describes the relationship between these two factors of economic development in the Middle East?
A There is no relationship between literacy rate and average income.There is no relationship between literacy rate and average income.
B There is an inverse relationship between literacy rate and average income.There is an inverse relationship between literacy rate and average income.
C There is a strong relationship between a low literacy rate and high income.There is a strong relationship between a low literacy rate and high income.
D There is a direct relationship between literacy rate and average income.There is a direct relationship between literacy rate and average income.
E There is likely an anti-Muslim bias in the way these figures were calculated.There is likely an anti-Muslim bias in the way these figures were calculated.

D There is a direct relationship between literacy rate and average income.

D There is a direct relationship between literacy rate and average income.

To determine the relationship between literacy rate and average income in the Middle East, we need to analyze the provided data:

Country Literacy Rate Avg. Income (in US $)
Afghanistan 32% $621
Iran 84% $4,842
Iraq 79% $3,918
Israel 98% $27,595
Saudi Arabia 94% $16,967
Turkey 95% $9,958

By looking at the data, we can see that countries with higher literacy rates tend to have higher average incomes. For example, Israel has the highest literacy rate of 98% and also the highest average income of $27,595. On the other hand, Afghanistan has the lowest literacy rate of 32% and the lowest average income of $621.

Therefore, the statement that BEST describes the relationship between these two factors of economic development in the Middle East is:

D) There is a direct relationship between literacy rate and average income.