Overall, countries with a higher literacy rate have a higher GDP per capita than countries with lower literacy rates.

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true or false



To determine whether the statement is true or false, we need to understand the relationship between literacy rate and GDP per capita.

To do this, we can start by researching data on literacy rates and GDP per capita for different countries. This information can be found in various sources such as reports by international organizations like the World Bank, UNESCO, or the CIA World Factbook.

Once you have gathered the data, you can analyze it to see if there is a correlation. A correlation is a statistical measure that indicates the degree to which two variables are related. In this case, we are looking for a correlation between literacy rate and GDP per capita.

To analyze the data, you can use statistical software or tools like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. Plot the data points on a scatter plot with literacy rate on the x-axis and GDP per capita on the y-axis. Then, calculate the correlation coefficient (such as Pearson's correlation coefficient) to determine the strength and direction of the relationship.

If the correlation coefficient is positive and statistically significant, it would indicate that there is a positive relationship between literacy rate and GDP per capita. This would support the statement that countries with higher literacy rates tend to have higher GDP per capita. On the other hand, if the correlation coefficient is negative or not statistically significant, it would suggest that there is no significant relationship between the two variables, and the statement would be false.

Therefore, the answer to whether the statement is true or false would depend on the findings of the data analysis.