How does law 84/vll/11 protect citizens against gender based violence

Law 84/vll/11 is a law in Argentina that protects citizens, particularly women and children, against gender-based violence. The main objectives of this law are to provide legal, psychological, and social assistance to victims of domestic or gender-based violence, to prevent further violence against them, and to punish the perpetrators.

Some of the key provisions of this law include:

1. Definition of gender-based violence: The law defines gender-based violence as any act of physical, sexual, psychological, or economic violence against a person based on their gender. This includes domestic violence, sexual harassment, and human trafficking.

2. Assistance and protection for victims: The law provides for the creation of specialized units within the justice system to provide legal and psychological assistance to victims of gender-based violence. It also requires police officers to provide immediate assistance to victims and to prevent further violence.

3. Prevention measures: The law mandates the implementation of prevention and education programs to raise awareness about gender-based violence and to promote gender equality.

4. Punishment for perpetrators: The law imposes harsh penalties on perpetrators of gender-based violence. This includes imprisonment for up to 10 years for cases of femicide (the killing of a woman because of her gender).

In summary, Law 84/vll/11 aims to protect citizens, particularly women and children, against gender-based violence through assistance and protection for victims, prevention measures, and punishment for perpetrators.

Law 84/VLL/11 is a fictional law, therefore it has no real-world application or provisions for protecting citizens against gender-based violence. It is important to note that laws protecting citizens against gender-based violence vary from country to country. However, I can provide you with a general overview of measures typically found in laws aimed at addressing gender-based violence:

1. Definitions: Laws usually include clear definitions of gender-based violence, including physical, sexual, emotional, and economic abuse, as well as harassment and stalking.

2. Criminalization: Acts of gender-based violence are typically classified as criminal offenses, with specific penalties attached. This may include domestic violence, sexual assault, , genital mutilation, and other violent acts perpetrated against individuals due to their gender.

3. Protection Orders: Laws often provide for protection orders that can help victims separate themselves from their abusers. These orders may restrict contact, require the abuser to stay away from the victim's home or workplace, and grant temporary custody of children, among other provisions.

4. Support Services: Legislation often ensures the establishment of support services for victims, such as helplines, counseling, shelters, and medical and legal assistance.

5. Prevention and Awareness: Laws may require the implementation of prevention programs and awareness campaigns to educate the public about the causes and consequences of gender-based violence, and to promote gender equality.

6. Reporting and Investigation: Laws often outline reporting mechanisms and procedures for victims, including provisions for confidentiality, accessible and impartial reporting facilities, and the obligation for authorities to investigate complaints promptly.

7. Training and Capacity Building: Legislation may require training for police, judges, prosecutors, and other relevant professionals to sensitize them to the needs of victims and ensure effective response and support.

It is important to consult the specific laws and regulations of the country in question for accurate and up-to-date information on how citizens are protected against gender-based violence.