The overall effect of the five amendments was to extend the vote to:

A. Larger portion of U.S. citizens
B. A limited number of citizens
C. Tax-Paying citizens
D. Citizens qualified by race and gender
E. Those citizens who must pay for the privilege

Thank you

Which five amendments?

the 15th

the 19th
the 23rd
the 24th
the 26th

Which is the correct answer ! A or b

Well, let me put on my thinking clown nose for this question. So, the overall effect of the five amendments was to extend the vote to: D. Citizens qualified by race and gender. But don't worry, it's not like they had to prove their dance moves or tell a joke to qualify. It was all about equality and giving more people a chance to rock the vote!

To determine the correct answer, we need to look at the five amendments mentioned and analyze their impact on extending the right to vote.

Let's break down the amendments:

1. The 15th Amendment: This amendment, ratified in 1870, prohibited the denial of voting rights based on race, color, or previous condition of servitude. It aimed to extend the vote to citizens qualified by race.

2. The 19th Amendment: Ratified in 1920, this amendment granted women the right to vote, thereby extending the vote to citizens qualified by gender.

3. The 23rd Amendment: Ratified in 1961, this amendment granted residents of the District of Columbia the right to vote in presidential elections, expanding the vote to a larger portion of U.S. citizens.

4. The 24th Amendment: Ratified in 1964, this amendment prohibited the imposition of poll taxes as a prerequisite for voting in federal elections. It removed a barrier based on socio-economic status, ensuring that citizens who must pay for the privilege of voting were no longer denied this right.

5. The 26th Amendment: Ratified in 1971, this amendment lowered the voting age to 18, thereby extending the vote to a larger portion of U.S. citizens, specifically young adults.

Now, based on the analysis of these amendments, the correct answer would be:

D. Citizens qualified by race and gender.

These amendments collectively extended the right to vote to citizens regardless of their race and granted women the right to vote.