Which of the following groups had higher social status under the yuan dynasty?

Song scholar-officials

Southern Chinese merchants

Northern Chinese nobles

Turks and other Muslims

Buddhism spread first from India to China and then to Korea and Japan, helping to create cultural unity in the religion.

Well-makers lead the water ( wherever they like ) ; Fletchers bend the arrow; Carpenter bend a log of wood; wise people master themselves.”

What central part of Buddhism expressed in the quote appealed to samurai who practiced zen?


Self control and discipline


Loyalty and obedience

Self control and discipline expressed in the quote appealed to samurai who practiced zen.

Which belief system spread first from India to china and the to Korea and Japan, helping to create cultural unity in the religion?





How did southeast asias geography contribute to the regions economic development?

How much of Southeast Asia is separated from the rest of Asia by high mountains making a difficult place to invade

Many southeast Asian countries depended on their plentiful go to apply to make them wealthy

Some Southeast Asian countries community important waterway some controlled rich trade route

Some Southeast Asian countries comanded important waterways and controlled rich trade routEs

Many south east Asian countries were easily accessible by monks and there for adopted buddhist culture

The geography of Southeast Asia contributed to the region's economic development in multiple ways. Firstly, many Southeast Asian countries commanded important waterways and controlled rich trade routes, enabling them to access valuable trading opportunities and accumulate wealth. Secondly, the region's abundant natural resources, such as fertile land, minerals, and forests, provided opportunities for agricultural and resource-based economic activities. Thirdly, the presence of several large and navigable rivers, including the Mekong, allowed for transportation and communication within the region and with neighboring areas. Lastly, Southeast Asia's location ensured that it was easily accessible to merchants and traders from many different parts of the world, promoting cultural exchange and the diffusion of ideas and beliefs such as Buddhism.

Turks and other Muslims had higher social status under the yuan dynasty.