Which environment would be better for animals that eat grasses and small shrubs?

An environment with abundant grasses and small shrubs would be ideal for animals that eat them. Such an environment would provide a variety of food sources and a suitable habitat for these animals. Examples of such environments include prairies, savannas, and grasslands, where vegetation is plentiful and diverse.

Phototropism is a plant response in which plants grow

towards or away from a light source. The plant's stem or shoot bends towards the light source, while the roots may grow away from the light source. This helps the plant to optimize its exposure to sunlight, which it needs for photosynthesis.

Phototropism is typically triggered by photoreceptor proteins in the plant, which detect changes in light intensity and direction. These photoreceptor proteins generate signals within the plant that stimulate the growth of cells on one side of the stem or shoot, causing it to bend towards the light source.

Phototropism is a common plant response and is important for many species of plants to survive and thrive. By growing towards a light source, plants can maximize their exposure to sunlight and photosynthesize more efficiently, leading to faster growth and increased productivity.

Which of these helps people identify organisms based on characteristics we can see?

Taxonomy is the branch of biology that helps people identify organisms based on characteristics we can see. Taxonomy involves classifying and naming organisms based on their shared characteristics, and then grouping them into hierarchical categories such as kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.

Taxonomists use a variety of tools and techniques to identify organisms, including field observations, microscope examination, DNA analysis, and other laboratory methods. The goal of taxonomy is to create a systematic and organized way of identifying and classifying organisms, which can help scientists understand the diversity of life on Earth and how species are related to each other.

Coral bleaching occurs because of _______

20 points
people pouring peroxide into the water
too much ozone
warming of ocean waters
too much photosynthesis

Coral bleaching occurs because of warming of ocean waters. When water temperatures rise beyond a certain point, the symbiotic algae that live within coral tissues are expelled, depriving the coral of their primary food source and leading to their eventual death. As a result, the coral appears white or "bleached." Warming waters can be caused by a variety of factors, including climate change, El Niño events, and other natural or human-made disturbances. Coral bleaching is a significant threat to coral reefs worldwide and can have cascading impacts on marine ecosystems and the communities that depend on them.