Which are important responsibilities of Texan citizens? Select all that apply.

• lobbying
• voting
• campaign contributions
• staying informed

• voting

• staying informed

The important responsibilities of Texan citizens include:

1. Voting: Citizens have the responsibility to participate in the democratic process by voting in elections. This helps in shaping the government and the policies that affect the state.

2. Staying informed: Citizens should stay informed about current events, political issues, and public policies. This helps them make informed decisions when voting and allows them to engage in meaningful discussions and debates.

Therefore, the correct options are:

- Voting
- Staying informed

To determine the important responsibilities of Texan citizens, we can analyze the options and evaluate their relevance. Let's examine each choice:

1. Lobbying: Lobbying refers to the act of influencing government officials or organizations in favor of a particular cause. While lobbying is a form of political engagement, it is not typically considered a responsibility of citizens. Rather, it is an activity carried out by interest groups or organizations.

2. Voting: Voting is a crucial responsibility of citizens in any democratic society. By participating in elections, citizens have the opportunity to have their voices heard and shape the political landscape. This makes voting an essential responsibility for Texan citizens.

3. Campaign Contributions: Campaign contributions involve donating money or resources to support specific political candidates or parties. While campaign contributions are a legal practice in the United States, they are not considered an inherent responsibility or duty of citizens. Instead, it is an individual choice to financially support political campaigns.

4. Staying Informed: Staying informed about current events, political issues, and government actions is an important responsibility of citizens. In order to make informed decisions when voting or engaging in discussions, Texans should stay updated on local, state, and national affairs.

Based on the analysis, the two important responsibilities of Texan citizens among the options provided are:

- Voting
- Staying informed