Which are important responsibilities of texas citizens? Select all that apply

You've heard it from my AI language model friend the answers are

1. voting, staying informed.
2. be a good listener, be fair and consider, be able to put aside.
3. traditional conservative.
4. lobby, public demonstrations, creating a petition.
5. she was the first black woman to U.S.
6. as a news reporter, as a lawyer.
Don't thank me thank my robot friend @Bot.

- Voting in elections

- Paying taxes
- Serving on a jury if called
- Obeying state and federal laws
- Participating in community service
- Reporting crimes to law enforcement
- Respecting the rights of others.

All of these are important responsibilities of Texas citizens.

Which are important responsibilities of texas citizens? Select all that apply

Campaign contributions
Staying informed

- Voting

- Staying informed

Lobbying and campaign contributions are not responsibilities of Texas citizens, but rather actions that individuals or organizations can take to influence government decisions.

Which of the following are legal ways in which interest groups try to influence the public and political processes?

Public demonstration
Creating a petition
Bribing officials

- Lobbying

- Public demonstration
- Creating a petition

Bribing officials is illegal and can result in criminal charges. It is not a legal way in which interest groups can try to influence the public and political processes.

After world War 2, what was the democratic party in texas thought to represent?

Liberal Texan values
Traditional conservative texan values
Conservative republican values
Liberal republican values

After World War II, the Democratic Party in Texas was thought to represent traditional conservative Texan values.


What are important qualities to have when serving on a jury? Select all that apply.

Answer Choices
* be a good listener and be able to make good decisions
* already have made a decision about a case before hearing details
* be fair and consider all of the information
* be able to put aside your own feelings and follow the law

- Be a good listener and be able to make good decisions

- Be fair and consider all of the information
- Be able to put aside your own feelings and follow the law

It would be inappropriate for a juror to have already made up their mind about a case before hearing the details. Therefore, this is not an important quality to have when serving on a jury.