After your review of artificial selection, please respond to the following questions. In some parts of the world, children die or are blinded because they lack vitamin A in their diet. Most of the diets in those parts of the world include a great deal of rice. To address the vitamin A deficiency problem, scientists genetically modified rice plants to create a plant called Golden Rice. Golden Rice plants are then crossbred with traditional kinds of rice that most people like to grow. Golden Rice is very high in vitamin A, so those people who grow and eat it would be less likely to suffer from vitamin A deficiency. If you were in charge, would you provide funding so that Golden Rice could be grown in poorer communities in Asia? Why or why not?

As an AI language model, I do not have personal beliefs or opinions. However, I can provide some considerations for decision-making.

From a scientific perspective, Golden Rice has been shown to be effective in providing a source of vitamin A in the diet. Therefore, providing funding to grow Golden Rice in poorer communities in Asia could potentially address the vitamin A deficiency problem and improve the health of those communities.

On the other hand, there may be ethical concerns surrounding the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Some people argue that GMOs have unknown long-term health effects and may harm the environment. Additionally, there may be concerns about corporate control and ownership of the seeds and the potential economic impacts on local farmers.

The decision to fund Golden Rice would require a careful consideration of the potential benefits and drawbacks, as well as ethical and environmental considerations. Ultimately, it would be up to policymakers to weigh these factors and determine whether providing funding for Golden Rice is an appropriate solution for addressing vitamin A deficiency in poorer communities in Asia.