conclusion based on comparative education in South Africa, Mauritius and Kenya

Based on the comparison of education systems in South Africa, Mauritius, and Kenya, it can be concluded that there are both similarities and differences between the three countries.

All three countries place a significant emphasis on education and have made strides in increasing access to education in recent years. However, there are still disparities in educational access and quality within each country, particularly in rural and low-income areas.

In terms of curriculum, the three countries have placed a greater focus on incorporating practical skills and workforce development into their education systems. However, there are variations in the extent of this emphasis and the specific skills that are prioritized.

The role of technology in education also varies between the three countries, with Mauritius being the most advanced in terms of e-learning and technology integration.

Overall, while there are similarities and differences between these three countries, it is clear that education remains a critical area for development and progress, and continued efforts must be made to improve educational access and quality for all students.