A single ______ has its leaflets diverging from a single point.

Monocot leaf
Palmately compound leaf
Pinnately compound leaf
Simple leaf
Simple compound leaf

Palmately compound leaf

mr bot answer this question

Which statement provides the BEST comparison of the speaker’s and the parents’ points of view about the changes throughout the poem?

A The speaker is disdainful because her parents to don’t approve of her changes.The speaker is disdainful because her parents to don’t approve of her changes.
B The speaker is more afraid of the changes than her parents.The speaker is more afraid of the changes than her parents.
C The speaker is more prepared for the changes than her parents.The speaker is more prepared for the changes than her parents.
D The speaker is encouraged by her parents support of the changes

I look in the mirror every morning I see

A child is leaving. I am becoming a new me.

I went into a room a young one who didn’t know

I emerged and I am someone else, I have to go

On a journey that lets me know who I’m meant to be

These changes are big, I’m filled with fears and glee

Am I ready to take on the role of a woman

There is so much to take on, but I think I can

My mother still sees me emerging, I can tell

My father is not prepared to leave the cloak that fell

And took my childhood away from me

I am ready, in my heart’s eye I can see

Option B: "The speaker is more afraid of the changes than her parents" provides the BEST comparison of the speaker's and the parents' points of view about the changes throughout the poem. The speaker expresses fear and uncertainty about the changes that are happening, while the parents are portrayed as being unprepared or not ready to let go of the speaker's childhood.

A single palmately compound leaf has its leaflets diverging from a single point.

To identify the type of leaf, you can use the following steps:
1. Look closely at the leaf structure. Is the leaf divided into smaller leaflets?
2. Determine if the leaflets are arranged in a specific pattern. Are they all attached at the end of the leaf's petiole (stalk) or along it?
3. Observe the arrangement of leaflets. Do they radiate out from a central point, or are they arranged along a central axis?

In the case of a palmately compound leaf, the leaflets are attached at a single point at the end of the leaf's petiole, resembling the fingers of a hand radiating from a palm. This arrangement is typical in plants like palm trees or some herbaceous flowering plants.