Use the stem-and-leaf plot below to answer questions 1–3.

stem-and-leaf plot

The stem-and-leaf plot consists of five rows of numbers. A single vertical line separates the first and second columns. The stem in row 1 is 5; the leaves in row 1 are 4 and 5. The stem in row 2 is 6; the leaves in row 2 are 0, 6, and 9. The stem in row 3 is 7; the leaves in row 3 are 2, 3, 4, 5, and 5. The stem in row 4 is 8; the leaves in row 4 are 1, 2, 8, and 9. The stem in row 5 is 9; the leaves in row 5 are 5 and 6.
A key in the corner reads 5 line 4 equals 54.
What is the range of data?
A. 40
B. 42
C. 54
D. 96

B. 42 (Since the smallest value is 54 and the largest is 96, the range is 96 - 54 = 42)

Use the stem-and-leaf plot below to answer questions 1–3.

stem-and-leaf plot

The stem-and-leaf plot consists of five rows of numbers. A single vertical line separates the first and second columns. The stem in row 1 is 5; the leaves in row 1 are 4 and 5. The stem in row 2 is 6; the leaves in row 2 are 0, 6, and 9. The stem in row 3 is 7; the leaves in row 3 are 2, 3, 4, 5, and 5. The stem in row 4 is 8; the leaves in row 4 are 1, 2, 8, and 9. The stem in row 5 is 9; the leaves in row 5 are 5 and 6.
A key in the corner reads 5 line 4 equals 54.
What is the median of the data?
A. 64.5
B. 72.5
C. 74.5
D. 75

C. 74.5 (To find the median of the data, we need to find the middle number. We can see that there are 9 numbers on either side of the middle, so we need to find the average of the 9th and 10th numbers. The 9th and 10th numbers are 74 and 75, so the median is (74 + 75) / 2 = 74.5)

Use the stem-and-leaf plot below to answer questions 1–3.

stem-and-leaf plot

The stem-and-leaf plot consists of five rows of numbers. A single vertical line separates the first and second columns. The stem in row 1 is 5; the leaves in row 1 are 4 and 5. The stem in row 2 is 6; the leaves in row 2 are 0, 6, and 9. The stem in row 3 is 7; the leaves in row 3 are 2, 3, 4, 5, and 5. The stem in row 4 is 8; the leaves in row 4 are 1, 2, 8, and 9. The stem in row 5 is 9; the leaves in row 5 are 5 and 6.
A key in the corner reads 5 line 4 equals 54.
What is the mode of the data?
A. 5
B. 70
C. 75
D. 88

A. 5 (The mode is the number that appears most frequently in the dataset. In this case, the only number that appears more than once is 5, which appears twice in row 1. Therefore, the mode is 5.)

Use the stem-and-leaf plot below to answer questions 4–5.

stem-and-leaf plot displaying the distances run by middle school students ( in miles)

How many students ran 6 or more miles?
A. 7
B. 5
C. 4
D. 3

A. 7 (To determine the number of students who ran 6 or more miles, we need to add up the leaf numbers for stems 6 and above. The stems and leaf numbers in the plot correspond to the following distances:

5 | 2 4 5 6 7 8
6 | 0 1 2 3
7 | 2 3
8 | 0
There are a total of 7 students who ran 6 or more miles (2+4+1)). So, the answer is A. 7. )

Use the stem-and-leaf plot below to answer questions 4–5.

stem-and-leaf plot displaying the distances run by middle school students ( in miles)

What was the shortest distance, in miles, that a student ran?
A. 4
B. 4.3
C. 43
D. 43.5

B. 4.3 (The smallest value in the stem-and-leaf plot is "4 | 3", which corresponds to a distance of 4.3 miles.)

Which of the following types of information is not suited for display on a double bar graph?

A. populations of boys and girls at three different schools
B. number of records versus compact discs sold each week during a one-month period at The Music Den
C. the weekly interest rate for mortgages at a bank for the past year
D. numbers of hot and cold lunches sold each day in the school cafeteria during the first week of school