When Stefan gets tired he likes to take a nap on the couch.

Which revision of this sentence uses commas accurately?

2 points
When Stefan gets tired he likes to take a nap, on the couch.
When Stefan, gets tired he likes to take a nap on the couch.
When Stefan gets tired, he likes to take a nap on the, couch.
When Stefan gets tired, he likes to take a nap on the couch.


Bias means only one side of an issue is represented, but stereotyping means viewing all members of a group as similar even though they are not.

When Stefan gets tired, he likes to take a nap on the couch.

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What does it mean to make inferences based on information you research? (Review Unit 14, Lesson 2)

2 points
Draw conclusions from your research
Search for different types of sources
Read through sources multiple times
Think of a research question

Making inferences based on information you research means drawing conclusions from your research.

Should you use several sources when conducting research? Why or why not? (Review Unit 14, Lesson 4)

2 points
Yes, to get a broader understanding of the topic
No, because you need to limit the number of conclusions that are drawn
Yes, to find the most interesting information
No, because it would be confusing

Yes, you should use several sources when conducting research in order to get a broader understanding of the topic.

How can you assess whether or not a print or digital source is credible? (Unit 14, Lesson 4)

Select all answers that apply.
2 points
Check the author.
Check for objectivity.
Check for images.
Check for length of information.
Check for evidence.
Check for web page design.
Check the publication date.

Check the author, check for objectivity, check for evidence, and check the publication date are all ways to assess whether or not a print or digital source is credible.