When Stefan gets tired he likes to take a nap on the couch.

Which revision of this sentence uses commas accurately?

2 points
When Stefan gets tired he likes to take a nap, on the couch.
When Stefan, gets tired he likes to take a nap on the couch.
When Stefan gets tired, he likes to take a nap on the, couch.
When Stefan gets tired, he likes to take a nap on the couch.


Bias means only one side of an issue is represented, but stereotyping means viewing all members of a group as similar even though they are not.

When Stefan gets tired, he likes to take a nap on the couch.

Hello! How can I assist you today?

What does it mean to make inferences based on information you research? (Review Unit 14, Lesson 2)

2 points
Draw conclusions from your research
Search for different types of sources
Read through sources multiple times
Think of a research question

Making inferences based on information you research means drawing conclusions from your research.

Should you use several sources when conducting research? Why or why not? (Review Unit 14, Lesson 4)

2 points
Yes, to get a broader understanding of the topic
No, because you need to limit the number of conclusions that are drawn
Yes, to find the most interesting information
No, because it would be confusing

Yes, you should use several sources when conducting research in order to get a broader understanding of the topic.

How can you assess whether or not a print or digital source is credible? (Unit 14, Lesson 4)

Select all answers that apply.
2 points
Check the author.
Check for objectivity.
Check for images.
Check for length of information.
Check for evidence.
Check for web page design.
Check the publication date.

Check the author, check for objectivity, check for evidence, and check the publication date are all ways to assess whether or not a print or digital source is credible.

Which is an example of a print source? (Review Unit 14, Lesson 4)

2 points
A website
An advertisement on YouTube
A magazine article
A podcast

A magazine article is an example of a print source.

If the evidence in an argument is sufficient, the evidence is ________________. (Review Unit 14, Lesson 8)

2 points
somewhat related to the claim.
not convincing.
enough to support the claim or meet the purpose of the argument.

Enough to support the claim or meet the purpose of the argument.

Dee paraphrased the information below from a local newspaper. What does she need to fix? Select all that apply.

"Pandas are solitary animals but will vocalize during social interactions. They sometimes chirp, honk, bleat, chomp and bark."

(Review Unit 14, Lesson 5)

2 points
She should delete the quotation marks
She needs to add a citation to indicate the source
She should delete one sentence
She shouldn't change anything

She needs to add a citation to indicate the source and she should delete the quotation marks.

How do you tell the reader you used an author's exact words? (Review Unit 14, Lesson 5)

2 points
quotation marks
bold words

You tell the reader you used an author's exact words by using quotation marks.

How does presenting ideas in various media and formats make an issue like global warming easier to understand? (Review Unit 14, Lesson 6)

2 points
A. Various media and formats show different facts and details about global warming.
B. The info, taken together, makes understanding this complex topic easier.
C. It makes the reader want to take action.
A and B
A and C

A and B

Which description is an example of an oral informational format? (Review Unit 14, Lesson 6)

2 points
A diagram of a cell
A graph of influenza cases
A video of pandas in the wild
A photo of a bird's nest

A video of pandas in the wild is an example of an oral informational format.

What is the importance of determining a speaker's audience? Check all that apply. (Review Unit 14, Lesson 7)

2 points
It is a way to evaluate the effectiveness of the argument
If the facts and details that the speaker use are meaningful to the audience, then the speaker is better able to convince the intended audience of the argument.
You can learn who their friends are.

It is a way to evaluate the effectiveness of the argument and if the facts and details that the speaker use are meaningful to the audience, then the speaker is better able to convince the intended audience of the argument.

Ruby is conducting a research project on Florida's natural disasters. What search term should she use?

(Review Unit 14, Lesson 3)
2 points
Natural disasters in Asia
Florida hurricane season

Florida hurricane season

Terms such as cheerful, formal, or casual describes a speakers possible __________, which also can be a clue about the intended audience. (Review Unit 14, Lesson 7)

2 points
facts and details
intended audience
tone of voice

Tone of voice describes a speaker's possible tone, which also can be a clue about the intended audience.

A speaker's ____________ is the person or group to whom the speech is being addressed. (Review Unit 14, Lesson 7)

2 points
tone of voice
intended audience

Intended audience is the person or group to whom the speech is being addressed.

Read the claim and its supporting evidence. Evaluate the claim. (Review Unit 14, Lessons 8)

2 points
Captionless Image
The evidence is relevant because it directly relates to the claim and supports the idea that the US transportation system serves millions of people.
The evidence is not relevant because it does not directly relate to the claim and supports the idea that the US transportation system serves millions of people.
None of the above.

There is no claim and supporting evidence mentioned in the question. Please provide the corresponding claim and evidence so that I can evaluate it.

Today, the most popular form of mass media is________.

(See unit 15, lesson 2 for assistance)
3 points
word of mouth
the internet

The most popular form of mass media today is the internet.

The main purpose of TV shows is to ______________ the audience.

(See unit 15, lesson 2 for assistance)
3 points

The main purpose of TV shows is to entertain the audience.

The main purpose of commercials is to ______________ the audience.

(See unit 15, lesson 2 for assistance)
3 points

The main purpose of commercials is to persuade the audience.

Identify the propaganda technique used in the sentence below:

"79% of students prefer our brand of backpack"

(See unit 15, lesson 3 for assistance)
2 points
glittering generality
snob appeal

Bandwagon propaganda technique is used in the sentence "79% of students prefer our brand of backpack".

Identify the propaganda technique used in the sentence below:

"As your class president, I will try my hardest to make sure your voice is heard and valued. I will take time to listen to your concerns and take action. You deserve change!"

(See unit 15, lesson 3 for assistance)
2 points
glittering generality
snob appeal

The glittering generality propaganda technique is used in the sentence.

If a news report presents only one side of a story, then the article is ________________.

(See unit 15, lesson 3 for assistance)
3 points

If a news report presents only one side of a story, then the article is biased.

How can you identify bias on a website?

(See unit 15, lesson 3 for assistance)
2 points
The creator is an expert on the topic.
The most up-to-date factual information is presented.
Multiple sources present unique points of view.
One point of view is presented on the topic.

One point of view is presented on the topic is a way to identify bias on a website.

Which option is an example of an ethical standard? Select all that apply.

(See unit 15, lesson 5 for assistance)
2 points
Don't run near the pool
Be respectful and considerate
Choose your words carefully
Dogs are man's best friend

Be respectful and considerate, and choose your words carefully are examples of ethical standards.

Which factors determine whether use of copyrighted work may be considered fair use? Select all that apply.

(See unit 15, lessons 5 & 6 for assistance)
2 points
Purpose and character of use
Whether or not copyrighted work is digital or in print
The nature of the copyrighted work
Amount of copyrighted work taken
Effect of use on the potential market
Date of copyrighted work

Read this excerpt from a sample research paper. Identify places where attribution is provided. Select all that apply. (See unit 15, lesson 6 for assistance)

2 points
Captionless Image
In reference to Google
In reference to Wikipedia
In reference to Smithsonian Magazine
In reference to NASA

What is the difference between bias and stereotyping? (See unit 15, lesson 3 for assistance)

2 points
Bias means only one side of an issue is represented, but stereotyping means viewing all members of a group as similar even though they are not.
Stereotyping means only one side of an issue is represented, but bias means viewing all members of a group as similar even though they are not.
Bias and stereotyping are the same

Which line of dialogue uses the correct punctuation?

2 points
“My dear Mr. Bennet,” said his lady to him one day, “have you heard that Netherfield Park is let at last?”
Do you not want to know who has taken it? cried his wife impatiently.
“You want to tell me, and I have no objection to hearing it" he said.
“Why, my dear, you must know, Mrs. Long says that Netherfield is taken by a young man of large fortune from the north of England"! She replied.

“My dear Mr. Bennet,” said his lady to him one day, “have you heard that Netherfield Park is let at last?”

Purpose and character of use, the nature of the copyrighted work, amount of copyrighted work taken, and effect of use on the potential market are factors that determine whether use of copyrighted work may be considered fair use.

In reference to Google, in reference to Wikipedia, in reference to Smithsonian Magazine, and in reference to NASA are places where attribution is provided.