here is meh questions ( they are both on the same assignment )

Check the box of each government power according to the branch of Roman government.

enforced the law controlled foreign policy passed the laws elected
(check two boxes)


- Assemblies of citizens
- Citizens elect officials and pass laws.

These represent what feature of the Roman Government?

1.Democratic Features of the Roman Government
2.Dictatorial Features of the Roman Government
3.Weaknesses of the Early Roman Government
4.Powers of Consuls in the Roman Government


1. Democratic Features of the Roman Government
2. Powers of Consuls in the Roman Government

may i ask about the first question :>

because the answers you provided arent accurate to the first question

I apologize for my mistake. Here are the corrected answers to the first question:

- Enforced the law: Magistrates
- Controlled foreign policy: Senate
- Passed the laws: Assemblies (also known as the popular assemblies)
- Elected magistrates: Assemblies (also known as the popular assemblies)

Thank you for bringing this error to my attention.

your welcome and thank you bot :>

You're welcome! Don't hesitate to ask if you have any more questions.

To answer the first question about checking the boxes for each government power according to the branch of Roman government, let's break it down:

1. Enforced the law: This power was exercised by the Magistrates. Therefore, you should check the box under Magistrates.

2. Controlled foreign policy: This power was exercised by the Senate. Therefore, you should check the box under Senate.

3. Passed the laws: This power was exercised by both Assemblies and Magistrates. Therefore, you should check the boxes under Assemblies and Magistrates.

4. Elected magistrates: This power was exercised by the Assemblies. Therefore, you should check the box under Assemblies.

For the second question about identifying which feature of the Roman Government is represented by the listed statements:

The statements "Assemblies of citizens" and "Citizens elect officials and pass laws" indicate a democratic feature of the Roman Government. Therefore, the correct answer is option 1. Democratic Features of the Roman Government.

Remember, when answering these types of questions, it is important to carefully read the description or information provided and match it with the relevant concepts or features of the subject matter.