radical Republicans had two main goals. First they wanted to break the power of wealthy planters who had long will the South second they wanted to ensure that Friedman receive the right to vote. They use legislative reforms or changes in laws to achieve their goals. Which of the following is an example of how radical Republicans sought to achieve their goals

by legislative reforms?

Passing the Civil Rights Act of 1866, which granted citizenship and equal rights to African Americans, is an example of how radical Republicans sought to achieve their goals by legislative reforms.

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One example of how radical Republicans sought to achieve their goals was through the passing of the Reconstruction Acts in 1867. These Acts were a series of laws that aimed to break the power of the wealthy planters in the South while also ensuring political rights for freed slaves.

To understand how the radical Republicans used legislative reforms to achieve these goals, let's break it down further:

1. Breaking the power of wealthy planters: The radical Republicans wanted to dismantle the economic and political dominance of the wealthy planters who had long ruled the South. To do this, they proposed and passed the Reconstruction Acts, which divided the South into five military districts. Each district was placed under the control of the Union Army, effectively placing the former Confederate states under military occupation.

2. Ensuring political rights for freed slaves: The radical Republicans were committed to granting political rights, including the right to vote, to the newly freed slaves. The Reconstruction Acts also aimed to achieve this by requiring the Southern states to draft new constitutions granting voting rights to all adult male citizens, regardless of race or color. These acts also mandated that African American men be allowed to participate in state constitutional conventions and elections.

By implementing these legislative reforms, the radical Republicans intended to break the power of wealthy planters by placing the South under military control and ensure political rights for freed slaves by requiring new constitutions and enfranchisement of African American men. These acts were significant steps towards achieving these goals during the Reconstruction era.