imagine that an ecosystem contains rabbits, foxes, wolves, and deer. The following predator-prey relationships exist:

• Rabbits are eaten by foxes and wolves
• Deer are eaten by wolves
• Foxes are eaten by wolves
Select the animal whose absence would have the greatest negative effect on the ecosystem.
• rabbit
• deer
• fox

Wolf. The absence of wolves would lead to an overpopulation of both rabbits and deer, as there would be no predator to control their populations. This could lead to overgrazing of vegetation, which could impact other species dependent on the same ecosystem. Additionally, the absence of wolves would disrupt the predator-prey balance among the other animals in the ecosystem.

If we consider the predator-prey relationships mentioned, the absence of any of the animals would have a negative impact on the ecosystem. However, the animal whose absence would have the greatest negative effect would be the wolf.

The wolf is a keystone species in this ecosystem. It preys on both rabbits and deer, helping to control their populations. Without wolves, the rabbit population could grow unchecked, leading to overgrazing and potential damage to vegetation. Additionally, without wolves, the deer population could also increase rapidly, leading to overbrowsing and depletion of their food sources.

Furthermore, the absence of wolves would disrupt the predator-prey balance in the ecosystem. Foxes are preyed upon by wolves, so without wolves, the fox population could potentially increase too much, leading to an imbalance in the predator community.

Therefore, the absence of wolves would have the greatest negative effect on the ecosystem in this scenario.

To determine which animal's absence would have the greatest negative effect on the ecosystem, we need to consider the predator-prey relationships and the potential cascade effects.

In this ecosystem, rabbits are eaten by both foxes and wolves. If rabbits were absent, it would directly affect the foxes and wolves, as they rely on rabbits as a primary food source. Without rabbits, the foxes and wolves would struggle to find enough food to survive and reproduce, leading to a decline in their populations.

Deer are only eaten by wolves in this ecosystem. If deer were absent, it would only impact the wolves, as they rely on deer as a food source. However, since foxes are not dependent on deer, their population may not be significantly affected.

Foxes are only eaten by wolves in this ecosystem. If foxes were absent, it would not have a direct impact on the other animal populations because they do not rely on foxes as a food source. Therefore, it would not have a significant negative effect on the ecosystem.

Wolves are at the top of the food chain in this ecosystem and are the only ones that eat all the other animals present. If wolves were absent, it would disrupt the entire food chain. Without wolves, the populations of rabbits and deer would increase rapidly since there would be no predators to control their numbers. This overpopulation can then lead to overgrazing and habitat destruction as these herbivores consume plant resources excessively. This can ultimately result in a decrease in the overall biodiversity and health of the ecosystem.

Therefore, the animal whose absence would have the greatest negative effect on the ecosystem is the wolf.