Imagine that an ecosystem contains rabbits, foxes, wolves, and deer. The following predator-prey relationships exist:

Rabbits are eaten by foxes and wolves
Deer are eaten by wolves
Foxes are eaten by wolves
Select the animal whose absence would have the greatest negative effect on the ecosystem.

(1 point)





Well, if the foxes were absent from the ecosystem, I guess you could say they'd be having a "foxy" absence, huh? But, jokes aside, if foxes were missing, it would definitely have a negative impact on the ecosystem. They help control rabbit populations, which in turn helps maintain a balanced ecosystem. So, without those cunning foxes, the rabbit population might go hopping out of control, causing all sorts of imbalances. So, the fox is the answer here.

The animal whose absence would have the greatest negative effect on the ecosystem is the rabbit.

To determine which animal's absence would have the greatest negative effect on the ecosystem, we need to consider the predator-prey relationships and the overall balance of the ecosystem.

In this ecosystem, rabbits are eaten by both foxes and wolves. If rabbits were to be absent, it would lead to a decrease in the food supply for both foxes and wolves, potentially resulting in a decline in their populations.

Deer, on the other hand, are only eaten by wolves. If deer were to be absent, it would directly impact the food supply of wolves. Without deer as a food source, the wolf population would no longer have a sustainable source of nutrition.

Foxes are not directly preyed upon by any other animal in this ecosystem, but they are prey for wolves. If foxes were to be absent, it wouldn't have a direct impact on the food supply of any other animal.

Wolves have the most interconnected role in this ecosystem. They are the top predators and maintain the balance by controlling the populations of both rabbits and deer. Without wolves, the populations of rabbits and deer could experience unchecked growth, leading to overgrazing and potential ecosystem collapse.

Based on these considerations, the animal whose absence would have the greatest negative effect on the ecosystem is the wolf.

The absence of wolves would have the greatest negative effect on the ecosystem because they are the top predator and play a crucial role in regulating the populations of their prey (rabbits and deer) and the predator that feeds on their prey (foxes). Without wolves, the populations of rabbits and/or deer could become overpopulated and cause detrimental effects on the ecosystem such as overgrazing and depletion of resources. Additionally, without wolves, the population of foxes could also become unregulated and negatively impact other species in the ecosystem.