Imagine that an ecosystem contains rabbits, foxes, wolves, and deer. The following predator-prey relationships exist:

Rabbits are eaten by foxes and wolves
Deer are eaten by wolves
Foxes are eaten by wolves
Select the animal whose absence would have the greatest negative effect on the ecosystem.


d Wolf

To determine the animal whose absence would have the greatest negative effect on the ecosystem, we need to consider their role in maintaining the balance and dynamics of the ecosystem.

In this scenario, if we remove rabbits from the ecosystem, it would impact the foxes and wolves since they rely on rabbits as their source of food. Without rabbits, the fox and wolf populations would decline due to a lack of food.

If we remove deer from the ecosystem, it would only affect the wolves since they rely on deer as their food source. However, the removal of deer would not impact the foxes, as they do not prey on deer.

If we remove foxes from the ecosystem, it would not have a significant impact on the overall system as they are not the primary source of food for any other animal in this scenario.

If we remove wolves from the ecosystem, it would have the most significant negative effect. Wolves play a key role as predators in regulating the populations of both rabbits and deer. Without wolves, the populations of rabbits and deer would likely increase rapidly, leading to overgrazing of plants and potentially causing an imbalance in the ecosystem.

Therefore, the correct answer is d) wolf.

d. wolf

Without wolves in the ecosystem, the population of rabbits and foxes would likely increase unchecked. This would lead to overgrazing by rabbits, causing a decline in vegetation and habitat degradation. Additionally, the increased fox population would put pressure on other prey species, such as birds and small mammals. Thus, the absence of wolves would have the greatest negative effect on the ecosystem's balance and stability.

To determine which animal's absence would have the greatest negative effect on the ecosystem, we need to consider the roles and interactions of each animal within the predator-prey relationships.

Rabbits are eaten by both foxes and wolves. If rabbits were absent from the ecosystem, foxes and wolves would likely struggle to find enough food, leading to population declines or imbalances among these predators.

Deer are only eaten by wolves. If deer were absent, wolves would face a significant reduction in their food source. This could lead to a decline in the wolf population, with potential repercussions throughout the ecosystem.

Foxes, on the other hand, are preyed upon by wolves. If foxes were absent, wolves would lose a significant part of their diet, potentially impacting their population as well as the balance in the ecosystem.

Lastly, wolves do not have any predators within this scenario. Their absence would disrupt the entire food chain, leading to an overpopulation of both rabbits and deer, which would then have a cascading effect on vegetation, other herbivores, and ultimately the whole ecosystem.

Considering these factors, the absence of the wolf (option d) would have the greatest negative effect on the ecosystem.