Can you give me tips on how to focus better with homework, notes, and classes with online school with 3 younger siblings roaming freely and just annoying in general

1. Create a dedicated study area: Establish a quiet and comfortable space in your home that is specifically designated for schoolwork. Make sure the area is well-lit and has minimal distractions. Set boundaries with your siblings so that they understand this is your "classroom" during school and study hours.

2. Make a schedule: Establish a routine by creating a daily schedule that includes the time for online classes, homework, and studying. Inform your siblings and other family members of your schedule, so they are aware of when you need quiet time.

3. Use headphones: Invest in a pair of noise-canceling headphones or earplugs to block out background noise while you are attending online classes or studying. These can help you maintain focus and concentration.

4. Communicate your needs: Talk to your parents about the challenges you are facing with your siblings, and ask for their assistance and support in maintaining a quiet environment during your study hours. They may be able to help keep your siblings occupied while you are working on your school assignments.

5. Take breaks: Schedule short breaks during your study sessions to help you maintain focus and reduce stress. Use these breaks to interact with your siblings or engage in something you enjoy. This can prevent burnout as well help you return to your studies with a refreshed mind.

6. Utilize study aids: Use online resources, such as educational videos, study guides, and flashcards, to help you stay engaged while studying. These might make it easier to maintain focus despite distractions.

7. Stay organized: Keep all your study materials and assignments organized, either physically or digitally. This will help you save time searching for needed materials and keep you focused on the task at hand.

8. Set goals: Establish specific goals for each study session or assignment, such as mastering a particular concept, completing a certain number of practice questions, or finishing a specific assignment. This can help maintain focus and motivation as you work towards these goals.

9. Collaborate with classmates: Partner with classmates for online study groups, Zoom sessions, or group projects. This can provide a level of accountability and support that was more feasible in a traditional classroom setting.

10. Be patient and adaptable: Last but not least, remember that everyone is adjusting to online learning and working from home. It's essential to be patient with yourself and your family during these challenging times. Be open to adapting your strategies and trying new approaches as needed to find the best way to study and succeed in your courses.