Can you give me tips on how to focus better with homework, notes, and classes with online school

1. Create a designated study space: Find a quiet and comfortable spot in your home that is dedicated solely to studying. This will help train your brain to associate that location with school-related activities only.

2. Set a schedule: Develop a routine by setting up specific times each day for classes, studying, and homework. Consistency will help you stay disciplined and focused.

3. Eliminate distractions: Put your phone on silent or keep it out of reach while you're studying. Close all non-related tabs on your computer, and avoid social media and other distractions.

4. Take breaks: Prolonged focus can be exhausting. It's crucial to take short breaks to rest and recharge. Use the Pomodoro Technique, where you set a timer for 25 minutes of focused work, followed by a short 5-minute break.

5. Use tools for productivity: Explore apps, browser extensions, or websites that can help you stay focused, like website blockers or study timers.

6. Stay organized: Keep track of assignments, deadlines, and class schedules by using a planner or digital tools like Google Calendar or Todoist.

7. Prioritize tasks: Determine which tasks are most important and start with those. This ensures you are accomplishing your highest priority tasks first.

8. Take notes: Effective note-taking can help you better understand and absorb the material. Consider using different note-taking methods like the Cornell method or mind mapping.

9. Utilize active learning techniques: Engage with the material by asking questions, discussing it with classmates, or teaching it to someone else. Active learning can help you better understand and retain information.

10. Reach out for help: If you're struggling, don't hesitate to ask for clarification or assistance from your teachers, classmates, or tutors. They're there to support your learning journey.

11. Practice self-care: A healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise, sufficient sleep, and a balanced diet, can improve your overall focus and ability to learn.

12. Stay connected with classmates: Participate in online discussions, group projects, or study groups to stay engaged and create a sense of community despite the remote learning environment.