In a paragraph of three to five sentences first write a sentence that uses a shift in voice. Then explain why the shift is incorrect finally write a sentence that corrects the shift

While reading the book, the story is told from the perspective of the main character. This shift in voice is incorrect because it switches from third person to first person without proper transition or indication. A correct sentence would be: While reading the book, the story was told from the perspective of the main character.

Shift in voice occurs when there is an inconsistency in the narrative perspective or point of view. For example, a shift in voice can be seen when a sentence suddenly switches from first-person to third-person or from past tense to present tense. This can be incorrect because it confuses the reader and disrupts the flow of the writing. To correct the shift, it is important to maintain consistency in the narrative voice throughout the paragraph.

Incorrect shift in voice: "I enjoyed the concert last night. He thought the band was amazing."

Explanation: The shift from first-person "I" to third-person "he" is incorrect because it suddenly changes the perspective from the narrator to a different character.

Corrected shift in voice: "I enjoyed the concert last night. I thought the band was amazing."

Explanation: By maintaining the first-person perspective throughout the sentence, the shift in voice is corrected, ensuring consistency in the narrative.

The shift in voice occurs when the writer goes from speaking in the first person to the second person. It is incorrect because the writer should maintain consistency in the chosen voice throughout the paragraph. To correct this shift, the writer should choose either the first or second person and stick with it.

Incorrect: "I love how you can easily access all the information on your smartphone. It allows us to stay connected with everyone and everything. So, make sure you take advantage of this wonderful technology!"

Correct: "I love how I can easily access all the information on my smartphone. It allows me to stay connected with everyone and everything. So, I must make sure to take advantage of this wonderful technology!"