In a paragraph of 3–5 sentences, first write a sentence that uses a shift in voice. Then explain why the shift is incorrect. Finally, write a sentence that corrects the shift..

Shift in voice: "The students turned in their assignments, but it was not graded yet."

Why it's incorrect: This sentence shifts from active voice ("students turned in their assignments") to passive voice ("it was not graded yet").

Correction: "The teacher had not yet graded the assignments turned in by the students." This sentence maintains consistent active voice and clarifies who is responsible for grading the assignments.

Shift in voice refers to a sudden change in the perspective or point of view within a sentence or paragraph. An example of an incorrect shift in voice would be: "She was studying diligently for her exam, and I believe it paid off." In this sentence, the shift occurs from the third-person (She) to the first-person (I), which is inconsistent. To correct the shift, we can say: "She was studying diligently for her exam, and it is believed that her efforts paid off." This revised sentence maintains consistency by using the third-person point of view throughout.

Incorrect: "He went to the store and bought some groceries. When you're at the store, you should always make a shopping list to stay organized."

Explanation: The shift in voice occurs when the sentence transitions from third person ("He went to the store") to second person ("When you're at the store"). This inconsistency disrupts the flow of the paragraph by switching perspectives without a clear connection.

Corrected: "He went to the store and bought some groceries. To stay organized during shopping trips, it is advisable to always make a shopping list."

In the corrected sentence, the shift in voice has been resolved by maintaining the consistent third person perspective throughout the paragraph.