write a sentence that uses a shift in voice. Then explain why the shift is incorrect. Finally, write a sentence that corrects the shift

Incorrect shift: "I went to the store, and she thought it was closed."

Explanation: The shift is incorrect because it starts in first person point of view (I) and then switches to third person point of view (she) without any indication of who "she" is.

Corrected sentence: "I went to the store and thought it was closed, but my friend realized it was still open." (maintains first person point of view)

Original Sentence: She was determined to win the race, but the trophy was taken by her competitor.

Issue: The shift in voice occurs in the sentence when it switches from the active voice ("She was determined to win the race") to the passive voice ("the trophy was taken by her competitor"). This inconsistency in voice makes the sentence grammatically incorrect.

Corrected Sentence: She was determined to win the race, but her competitor took the trophy.

Original sentence with shift in voice: "He went to the store, and it was closed."

Explanation of incorrect shift: The original sentence starts with the pronoun "he" in active voice but then shifts to the passive voice by using "it." This shift creates confusion and inconsistency in the sentence structure.

Corrected sentence: "He went to the store, but he found it closed."

Explanation of correction: The corrected sentence maintains a consistent active voice by using the pronoun "he" throughout. It clarifies that the person who went to the store also found it closed, avoiding any unnecessary shift or confusion in the voice.