Which explanation is accurate about the survival and reproduction of a population?

If there are a limited variety of traits in a population, most traits will be a good fit with the environment.
If there are a limited variety of traits in a population, it is more likely that some individuals will be able to survive and reproduce.
If there are a wide variety of traits in a population, most traits will be a good fit with the environment.
If there are a wide variety of traits in a population, it is more likely that some individuals will be able to survive and reproduce.

d. If there are a wide variety of traits in a population, it is more likely that some individuals will be able to survive and reproduce. This is because some individuals may possess traits that allow them to better adapt to changing environmental conditions, increasing their chances of survival and reproduction. A diverse population has a better chance of adapting to changing conditions than a population with limited variation in traits.

The accurate explanation about the survival and reproduction of a population is option d: If there are a wide variety of traits in a population, it is more likely that some individuals will be able to survive and reproduce.

The accurate explanation about the survival and reproduction of a population is option d: "If there are a wide variety of traits in a population, it is more likely that some individuals will be able to survive and reproduce."

To understand why this explanation is accurate, let's break it down:

In any population, there is variation in traits among individuals. These traits can be physical characteristics, behaviors, or even genetic makeup. This variation arises due to various factors like genetic recombination, mutation, or genetic drift.

The environment also varies in different ways. Factors such as climate, food availability, predators, and competition can all influence the survival and reproductive success of individuals in a population.

When there is a wide variety of traits in a population, it means that individuals possess different combinations of traits. This diversity can increase the chances of some individuals having traits that are advantageous in specific environmental conditions. For example, if a population of birds has variations in beak size, some individuals with larger beaks may have an advantage in breaking open tough seeds during times of scarcity.

Individuals with advantageous traits are more likely to survive and reproduce successfully. This can lead to the passing on of these traits to the next generation through natural selection. Over time, the population may evolve as these advantageous traits become more common.

On the other hand, if there are a limited variety of traits in a population (option a), it means that most individuals possess similar traits. In this scenario, if the environment changes and the existing traits are not well-suited to the new conditions, the population may struggle to adapt and survive.

Therefore, the accurate explanation is that a wide variety of traits in a population increases the likelihood that some individuals will be able to survive and reproduce successfully, leading to the overall persistence and adaptation of the population over time.