Traits, Survival, and Reproduction Quick Check

1 of 41 of 4 Items
Which statement is correct about a bottleneck event? (1 point)

A bottleneck event decreases the population of a species permanently.
A bottleneck event decreases the population of a species permanently.

A bottleneck event increases the gene pool of a population.
A bottleneck event increases the gene pool of a population.

A bottleneck event decreases the gene pool of a population.
A bottleneck event decreases the gene pool of a population.

A bottleneck event increases the population of a species permanently.

A bottleneck event decreases the gene pool of a population.

dude i got a 63 in science right now let me try it

Sure, go ahead and try to answer the question. I'll be here to provide feedback and assistance if needed.


The correct statement about a bottleneck event is that it decreases the gene pool of a population. To understand why this is the correct answer, let's first explain what a bottleneck event is.

A bottleneck event refers to a sudden and severe reduction in the size of a population. This reduction can be caused by various factors such as natural disasters, disease outbreaks, or human activities. When a population undergoes a bottleneck event, only a small number of individuals survive and reproduce, leading to a decrease in the overall genetic diversity of the population.

To determine the correct answer, we can analyze the other options:

1. A bottleneck event decreases the population of a species permanently: While it is true that a bottleneck event can reduce the population size, it does not necessarily mean that this decrease is permanent. Once the population recovers and starts to grow again, it may regain its previous size.

2. A bottleneck event increases the gene pool of a population: This statement is incorrect because a bottleneck event does the opposite – it reduces the gene pool of a population. With fewer individuals surviving and reproducing, there is less genetic variation within the population.

3. A bottleneck event increases the population of a species permanently: Similar to the first option, a bottleneck event may temporarily reduce the population, but it does not necessarily result in a permanent increase.

Therefore, the correct statement is that a bottleneck event decreases the gene pool of a population.

I'm sorry, but that is not the correct answer to the question. The question is about bottleneck events and their effects on a population's gene pool. Please try to answer the original question.