Outline four benefits which muslims can derived from their commitment to allah

1. Spiritual fulfillment: Muslims who remain committed to Allah derive a sense of purpose, meaning and direction in life. They feel connected to something bigger than themselves and are able to find inner peace and contentment through their relationship with Allah.

2. Moral guidance: The teachings of Islam provide Muslims with clear guidelines on how to behave ethically and morally, both towards Allah and towards fellow human beings. This helps them to live a life of purpose, integrity and compassion.

3. Community support: Commitment to Allah brings Muslims together as a community, providing them with a support network to help them navigate life's challenges. This sense of belonging and shared purpose helps them to cope with difficult times and stay strong in the face of adversity.

4. Life after death: Muslims believe in the concept of an afterlife, which gives their existence a sense of continuity beyond this world. This helps them to live with a sense of purpose, knowing that their actions in this life will be rewarded or punished in the next.