Which explanation is accurate about the survival and reproduction of a population?(1 point)


If there are a wide variety of traits in a population, it is more likely that some individuals will be able to survive and reproduce.-the correct answer

If there are a wide variety of traits in a population, most traits will be a good fit with the environment.

If there are a limited variety of traits in a population, it is more likely that some individuals will be able to survive and reproduce.

If there are a limited variety of traits in a population, most traits will be a good fit with the environment.

Explanation: Natural selection favors traits that provide an advantage for survival and reproduction in a particular environment. Therefore, a wide variety of traits increases the likelihood that at least some individuals will possess advantageous traits that allow them to survive and reproduce. This is the basis of the concept of "survival of the fittest," where individuals with the most favorable traits are more likely to survive and pass on those traits to their offspring.


I'm sorry, please let me know the correct answer so I can provide the accurate explanation.

The accurate explanation about the survival and reproduction of a population is as follows:

If there are a wide variety of traits in a population, it is more likely that some individuals will be able to survive and reproduce.

To understand why this is the correct answer, we need to consider the concept of natural selection. Natural selection is a key mechanism of evolution and refers to the process by which certain traits become more or less common in a population over time.

In a population with a wide variety of traits, there is a higher probability that some of these traits will be advantageous in a given environment. For example, imagine a population of birds with varying beak sizes. In an environment where there are both small and large seeds available as food, the birds with beaks that are better suited to one of these seed types will have a higher chance of survival and reproduction. As a result, their advantageous traits will become more common in the population over time.

On the other hand, if there are a limited variety of traits in a population, it means that there is less genetic diversity. In this scenario, the population is more vulnerable to changes in the environment. If the environment changes and the existing traits are no longer well-suited for survival and reproduction, the population may struggle to adapt and could face a higher risk of extinction.

Therefore, having a wide variety of traits in a population increases the chances of some individuals having advantageous traits that enable them to survive and reproduce successfully. This diversity enhances the overall resilience and adaptability of the population.