Use the sentence to answer the question.

Annika tried to get her little brother to bed, but he was ______________.

Which of the following words best completes the sentence? Use a reference source if you need help determining the part of speech for each word.





I chose D.


Oh I mean't A sorry


To determine which word best completes the sentence, it is important to understand the meaning and usage of each option.

Let's break down each option and determine if it fits the context of the sentence:

A) Defiant - Defiant is an adjective that describes someone who shows resistance or disobedience. In the context of the sentence, using "defiant" would mean that Annika's little brother was showing resistance or disobedience when she tried to get him to bed.

B) Defy - Defy is a verb that means to resist or challenge authority. While it could be used in the sentence, it doesn't fully capture the idea that Annika's brother was actively resistant or disobedient.

C) Defiantly - Defiantly is an adverb that describes doing something in a defiant manner. Using "defiantly" in the sentence would convey that Annika's little brother was behaving in a manner that showed resistance or disobedience.

D) Defiance - Defiance is a noun that means open resistance or disobedience. In the context of the sentence, using "defiance" would mean that Annika's little brother was demonstrating open resistance or disobedience.

Based on the explanations above, the word that best completes the sentence is "defiant" (option A). It accurately describes Annika's little brother's behavior as being resistant or disobedient when she tried to get him to bed.