6. The bill at a restaurant is $100, and Mrs. Johnson wants to leave a 15% tip. Approximately how (1 point)

much money should she leave?
O about $5.00
O about $10.00
O about $15.00
O about $20.00

Approximately $15.00.

To calculate the amount of tip Mrs. Johnson should leave, we need to find 15% of the bill amount.

Step 1: Convert the percentage to a decimal by dividing it by 100: 15/100 = 0.15

Step 2: Multiply the bill amount by the decimal value of the tip percentage: $100 * 0.15 = $15.00

Therefore, Mrs. Johnson should leave approximately $15.00 as a tip.

So, the correct answer is: O about $15.00

To calculate the approximate amount Mrs. Johnson should leave as a tip, we need to multiply the bill amount by the tip percentage.

Tip amount = Bill amount * Tip percentage

Tip amount = $100 * 0.15

Tip amount = $15.00

Therefore, Mrs. Johnson should leave about $15.00 as a tip.