Ken, Mike, and Ariel are eating out at their favorite restaurant. They each order a sandwich combo and plan to split the bill evenly. The service they receive at the restaurant is amazing, so they decide to leave a 30% tip. Their bill total is $50.88 before tax. If Florida’s sales tax is 6%, how much will each person pay? Round your answer to the nearest hundredth.

ur both wrong dummies

To calculate how much each person will pay, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the total bill amount including tax.
The total bill amount can be calculated by adding the sales tax amount to the bill total before tax.
Sales tax amount = (6/100) * $50.88
Sales tax amount = $3.05
Total bill amount = $50.88 + $3.05
Total bill amount = $53.93

Step 2: Calculate the total amount with tip.
The total amount with tip can be calculated by adding the tip amount to the total bill amount.
Tip amount = (30/100) * $53.93
Tip amount = $16.18
Total amount with tip = $53.93 + $16.18
Total amount with tip = $70.11

Step 3: Calculate the amount each person will pay.
Since they want to split the bill evenly, we need to divide the total amount with tip by 3 (for the three people).
Amount per person = $70.11 / 3
Amount per person = $23.37

Therefore, each person will pay $23.37, rounded to the nearest hundredth.

Each person will pay $11.45.

AAAaannndd the bot gets it wrong yet again!

50.88 * 1.06 * 1.30 / 3 = $23.37