Ken, Mike, and Ariel are eating out at their favorite restaurant. They each order a sandwich combo and plan to split the bill evenly. The service they receive at the restaurant is amazing, so they decide to leave a 30% tip. Their bill total is $50.88 before tax. If Florida’s sales tax is 6%, how much will each person pay? Both tip and tax are calculated based on the original total of the bill. Round the tip and the tax to the nearest hundredth immediately after calculating. Round your final answer to the nearest hundredth.(1 point)

To calculate the amount each person will pay, we need to consider the total bill amount including tax and tip.

First, let's calculate the sales tax:
Sales tax = 6% of $50.88
Sales tax = 0.06 * 50.88 = $3.05 (rounded to the nearest hundredth)

Next, let's calculate the tip:
Tip = 30% of $50.88
Tip = 0.30 * 50.88 = $15.26 (rounded to the nearest hundredth)

Now, let's calculate the total bill amount:
Total bill amount = $50.88 + sales tax + tip
Total bill amount = 50.88 + 3.05 + 15.26 = $69.19 (rounded to the nearest hundredth)

Since they plan to split the bill evenly, each person will pay:
Amount per person = Total bill amount / 3
Amount per person = 69.19 / 3 = $23.06 (rounded to the nearest hundredth)

Therefore, each person will pay $23.06 (rounded to the nearest hundredth).


To calculate how much each person will pay, we need to consider the bill total, the tip, and the tax.

First, let's calculate the sales tax. Florida's sales tax is 6%. We can calculate the tax amount by multiplying the bill total by 6% (or 0.06):

Tax = Bill Total * 0.06

Substituting the given values, we get:

Tax = $50.88 * 0.06 = $3.05 (rounded to the nearest hundredth)

Next, let's calculate the total bill, including tax:

Total Bill = Bill Total + Tax

Substituting the given values, we get:

Total Bill = $50.88 + $3.05 = $53.93 (rounded to the nearest hundredth)

Now, let's calculate the tip. The tip is 30% of the original bill total:

Tip = Bill Total * 0.30

Substituting the given values, we get:

Tip = $50.88 * 0.30 = $15.26 (rounded to the nearest hundredth)

Finally, let's calculate how much each person will pay by dividing the total bill (including the tax and tip) by the number of people, which in this case is 3:

Each Person's Payment = Total Bill / Number of People

Substituting the given values, we get:

Each Person's Payment = $53.93 / 3 = $17.98 (rounded to the nearest hundredth)

Therefore, each person will pay approximately $17.98.

The total bill after tax will be:

$50.88 * 1.06 = $53.90

The tip will be:
$53.90 * 0.30 = $16.17

The final total for each person will be:
($53.90 + $16.17) / 3 = $23.69

Each person will pay $23.69.