When Carter decided to start a luxury cologne company, he hired a wealthy aristocrat from France as his primary spokesperson. Which aspect of the marketing mix focuses on this action?

(1 point)





unique selling proposition

unique selling proposition

personal selling

The aspect of the marketing mix that focuses on this action is "personal selling."

does anyone have the answers for the 50 questions for the test??? nugget?

Full answers to the 50 questions if anyone has them.

its actually positioning will post all the answers once i finish the test tho

The aspect of the marketing mix that focuses on Carter's decision to hire a wealthy aristocrat as his primary spokesperson for his luxury cologne company is personal selling.

Personal selling is a part of the marketing mix that involves the use of personal communication to persuade potential customers to purchase a product or service. In this case, by hiring a wealthy aristocrat from France as the primary spokesperson, Carter is using personal selling to create a specific image and appeal to his target market. The wealthy aristocrat's association with luxury and elegance can help to enhance the perceived value of the cologne and attract customers who are seeking a premium product. Personal selling is a direct form of communication that allows for personal interaction and customization, making it effective for promoting luxury products like cologne where a certain lifestyle or image is being targeted.