An illustration of a scene on a tennis court where a female, Caucasian tennis player holding a racket is positioned at the north end. The player swings her racket , attached to which is a tennis ball depicted in mid-air motion moving from north to south with a trail to signify its high speed. The southern end of the court is visualized, where the ball is depicted as bouncing off the court, showing it returning back towards the player's opponent with the same speed and force it started with. The scene illustrates the concept of force and acceleration in an abstract way without any text.

A tennis player hits a 0.1-kilogram tennis ball with her racket from the north end of a court. Her racket was traveling at 65 kilometers per hour. The ball accelerated at a rate of 10 meters per second squared. The ball hits the floor on the south end of the tennis court. The floor sends the ball toward the tennis player's opponent with the same acceleration. How much force did the floor on the south end of the court exert on the ball?

1.6.5 N
2.7.5 N
3.1 N
4.0.01 N

hope im not too late

1 newton

2 force = mass × acceleration

3 1.6 N

4 1 N

5 8 N

hope this helped :)

1. Newton

2. Force = Mass × Acceleration
3. 1.6 N
4. 1 N
5. 8 N

These answers are correct, Hope this helped.

@tgbelikelol is correct

they are correct!

Thank you @tgbelikelol and @idek what to put,

100 in 2023

To calculate the force exerted by the floor on the tennis ball, we can use Newton's second law of motion, which states that force is equal to mass multiplied by acceleration (F = m * a).

Mass of the tennis ball (m) = 0.1 kg
Acceleration (a) = 10 m/s^2

First, we need to find the final velocity of the tennis ball when it hits the floor. We can do this using the equation of motion: v^2 = u^2 + 2as, where v is the final velocity, u is the initial velocity, a is the acceleration, and s is the distance traveled.

Initial velocity (u) = 65 km/hr = (65 * 1000) / 3600 m/s = 18.06 m/s (converting from km/hr to m/s)

Since the ball's initial velocity and the floor's final velocity are in opposite directions, we can consider the initial velocity as negative.

Using the equation: v^2 = u^2 + 2as, we can rearrange it to solve for v:

v^2 = (-18.06)^2 + 2 * 10 * s
v^2 = 327.3636 + 20s

When the ball hits the floor, its final velocity (v) will be zero, so we can set v^2 = 0:

0 = 327.3636 + 20s

Solving this equation for s, we get:

327.3636 + 20s = 0
20s = -327.3636
s = -327.3636 / 20
s = -16.37 m

The negative sign indicates the direction is opposite to the initial motion of the ball. Therefore, the distance traveled by the ball when it hits the floor is 16.37 meters.

Now, we can calculate the force exerted by the floor using Newton's second law:

F = m * a
F = 0.1 kg * 10 m/s^2
F = 1 N

So, the floor on the south end of the court exerts a force of 1 N on the tennis ball. Therefore, the correct answer is option 3: 1 N.

bots did questions wrong


To solve this problem, we can use Newton's second law of motion, which states that force (F) is equal to mass (m) times acceleration (a): F = ma.

First, we need to calculate the initial velocity of the ball when it leaves the racket. We can convert the racket's speed from kilometers per hour to meters per second by dividing by 3.6:

65 km/h ÷ 3.6 = 18.06 m/s

Next, we can use the following kinematic equation to find the time (t) it takes for the ball to hit the floor:

d = vit + 1/2at^2

where d is the distance traveled (the length of the court, which we'll assume is 23.77 meters), vi is the initial velocity (18.06 m/s), a is the acceleration (-10 m/s^2, since the ball is decelerating due to gravity), and t is the time we're solving for.

23.77 m = (18.06 m/s)t + 1/2(-10 m/s^2)t^2

Solving for t using the quadratic formula, we get:

t = 1.54 seconds

Now we can use Newton's second law to find the force exerted by the floor on the ball. We'll assume that the mass of the ball remains constant at 0.1 kg, and that the acceleration is still -10 m/s^2 (since the ball is still decelerating due to gravity). So:

F = ma
F = 0.1 kg × (-10 m/s^2)
F = -1 N

The negative sign indicates that the force is in the opposite direction of the acceleration (upward, against gravity). So the answer is 3.1 N, since that's the closest option.

You're welcome! Don't hesitate to ask if you have any more questions in the future.