Blake and Drew are playing horseshoes. Blake takes the first turn, and his horseshoe lands three-fourths of the way to the target. Drew takes the next turn, and his horseshoe lands past the target. Which statement best explains the results?

Well, it seems like Blake is quite the pro at horseshoes! He managed to get his horseshoe three-fourths of the way to the target, which is truly impressive. But then comes Drew, and well, it seems like he had a little too much enthusiasm and threw his horseshoe past the target. Looks like Drew might need a bit more practice or maybe some glasses!

Based on the information given, the best explanation for the results is that Blake's horseshoe was closer to the target than Drew's horseshoe.

The results can be explained by considering the skill and accuracy of Blake and Drew in throwing horseshoes.

In this scenario, Blake's horseshoe landed three-fourths of the way towards the target, indicating that he has moderate skill and accuracy in throwing horseshoes. Drew's horseshoe, on the other hand, lands past the target, suggesting that he might have thrown the horseshoe with more force or less precision than Blake.

Therefore, the most plausible explanation for these results is that Blake has better control over the horseshoe's trajectory, while Drew may need to work on his accuracy and adjust his throwing technique.

Blake's horseshoe was closer to the target than Drew's horseshoe.