The distance between mountain view and crowntop is 6.5 inches on a map. If the scale on the map is 1 inch = 25 miles, what is the actual distance between the two towns?

A. 31.5 miles
B. 16.25 miles
C. 162.5 miles <-
D. 165 miles

To find the actual distance between Mountain View and Crowntop, you need to use the scale given on the map.

The scale on the map states that 1 inch represents 25 miles.

Since the distance between Mountain View and Crowntop on the map is given as 6.5 inches, you can calculate the actual distance using the proportion:

1 inch --> 25 miles
6.5 inches --> ?

To solve the proportion, cross-multiply:

6.5 inches * 25 miles = 162.5 miles

Therefore, the actual distance between Mountain View and Crowntop is 162.5 miles.

So, the correct answer is C. 162.5 miles.